
If you know someone who wants to come to usa what are the requirements?

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someone from russia wants to visit, what do they need to do to get here in the usa?




  1. An attractive, young female?

    A great job in Russia and a letter from her employer stating she's on vacation and her job is waiting when she comes back.  Ownership of a home, apartment or condo.  Ownership of a car.  Large sum of money in savings.

    About 1 in 10,000 Russians qaualify.

  2. Does she want to come visit you, or does she want to move to the US permanently?  I say "she" because this question is usually asked by men wanting their gorgeous Russian Internet girlfriends to go to the US.  Regardless, a temporary visitor's visa (B1/B2) is less complicated to acquire, but by no means easy.  The applicants must have a legitimate reason for travel, the financial means to travel, and then overcome the assumption that they are an intending immigrant.  Basically, they must demonstrate strong family/financial/professional ties to their home country.

    See the following site for more information:

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