
If you know the blood group of both parants and Baby

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Is it possible to tell if you are the Father or not, i mean is there some blood groups in the child that cannot be produced from the parents blood groups without going to a DNA test




  1. Correct spelling "Parents".

  2. You actually have to know your parents blood type to be sure without DNA testing.  For example if you are an A positive and your wife is B negative but both of you have one parent who is type O then pretty much your kids could have any blood type that can be imagined.  

    If both of you have the same blood type like you both have type O and the baby come out with type B then you know that she/he isn't your child. This is because the A and B blood types trump the O blood type every time.

    If you are both type B but each of you has a parent who is type A but carries a gene for type O then the child could be type AB or B or A because your parent could carry a gene for type O but you wouldn't necessarily know that.

    Oh Gee, It gets very complicated. Each parent gives one blood type to the child.  You have two.  You have one from each of your parents.  You could give your child one of two combinations and your partner can give one of two combinations.  So the child could have one of yours what ever that is and one of your partners what ever that is and so she is potentially one of four different combinations that  could potentially happen.  If you each have different blood types it gets even more confusing.

    See so anyway you would have to know your  parents blood type and possibly your parents parents blood type to figure out this conundrum.  Some blood lines are very straight forward and some aren't.  

  3. I doubt you could completely rely on it.  If in doubt have the dna swab.  


    This website has a list of parents' blood types and what they can produce together at the bottom of the page. Good luck!

  5. baby is always half of both parents

  6. I found a chart that informs you of what blood group a child can be depending on the parents blood group.  It does say that mutations can occur so not to rely on it, a DNA test would be best.

  7. yeah you can tell by blood type. ie parents with A or B or AB could not make a baby with type O. If you tell us the types involved i could give a clearer answer?

  8. To a degree you would be able to tell (for example you where both A+ and baby was B+). Although any two blood groups can create an "O" baby.

  9. nope!!! just the blood group doesn't help !!!!!!!

  10. not really cause my mum and dad are both + blood group and me and my sister are - only dna can tell you x

  11. I don't think you can make a decision on blood alone. You need to get a DNA test for a definite answer.

  12. You could not totally rely on the blood as you & other potential father may have same blood type or baby may have same blood type as mum!!x

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