
If you know this person is sucks!! will you mind his/her point of view towards you?

by  |  earlier

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how do i make myself NOT TO CARE this "SUCKS" person point of view towards me?




  1. create your own personal mentality about them. It helped me. People like that are just douche bags and deserve to be treated as such.

  2. you can't control other people's thoughts.  everyone has opinions of other people, and that's just what they are OPINIONS

  3. Uhm No.  And I would not even write about it.  

  4. Do you mean that you want to know how to not care about someone who is not nice being mean to you? You just have to rise above it. Nobody is made of steel and we all feel hurt and offended at times but you have to forget about it and focus on the good things and all of the people that think you're great. We can't expect everyone in the world to like us, we all have different personalities and sometimes they are going to clash. But someone being rude to you is a different matter. You need to tell them it's not acceptable and that you won't stand for it. I fully believe that feeling offended is a choice. Nobody can offend you unless you let them, i.e. you can realise that perhaps they are not as intelligent as you and feel compassion for them instead of anger. Or you can just know that they are nasty and you are not and they will be the one who ends up with no friends in the end. Karma always comes back to get you in the end!

  5. huh?... just be compleatly and totally repulsive

  6. tell them:

    "sticks and stones may break my bones but I'm going to roundhouse kick you in nuts"

  7. i can't tell you how to ignore someone.  you just have to do it.

  8. No mind person is Sucks!!

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