
If you know what is water shoes than you can answer this?

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where can i get water shoes at target walmart academy or sports autharity




  1. prob. walmart, they have everything!!! or a sports store.

  2. yep. i got mine at walmart.

    try to find the lightest one's.

    its also good if they are a tighter-rather than getting them loose. The water tends to stretch everything out.

    Also, the feeling of one slipping off sucks, cuz then you have to swim all awkardly with your toes pointing up, lol.

    Also, get the ones with straps, (like where you adjust its tightness)

    Not the ones where you just slip on...i haven't had any luck with those.

  3. I bought mine at academy

  4. walmart has a LOT of water shoes.  like a LOT.

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