
If you leave a piece of raw macaroni in your mouth...?

by  |  earlier

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will it:

1. expand

2. dissolve


3 explode?

thanks i really need to know so answer quickly please!!!!! :)




  1. if you leave a piece of macaroni in your mouth i am assuming that it will eventually expand becasue your saliva will eventually start soaking it up...providing that you don't spit it out first....but hold on let me try it....LOL!......

  2. all of the above lol

  3. eventually it will expand as it becomes re-hydrated...then it will disolve as your saliva breaks it down.

  4. it will do nothing  

  5. It will expand as it absorbs the moisture from your saliva.

  6. It will soften

  7. It would take hours to soften or expand unless your mouth is boiling hot. It won't explode unless someone made macaroni out of plastic explosive as a practical joke.

  8. None of the above, if you're not gonna leave it in there for long. If you're planning on leaving it for a few days, it'll probably expand from the saliva.

    But I snack on raw spaghetti all the time, and I'm fine. So if you want to eat it, then go ahead.

    It'd be hard to crunch though.

  9. I've an idea it'll soften (as it absorbs saliva) and then turn sweet-

    there's an enzyme in your saliva called salivary amylase (or something like that) that breaks down the long chain starch into sugar.

  10. Nothing will happen to it.  

  11. None of the above. Well, it will go away cause you can eat it. It won't hurt you, just your teeth a bit.

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