
If you left South America and sailed east along the equator you would come to what continent?

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If you left South America and sailed east along the equator you would come to what continent?




  1. Are you to lazy to do your own homework?  In my day we had to do it all by ourself and that was before the internet was invented.  Just how did we get on?

  2. it depends on where you left on south america.. if you left on the north.. with winds that sailded you straight.. you would be at africa. if you sailed the south tip you would end up in austrailia..

  3. ummmmm......according to my VERY VERY LONG calculations(took me 10 hours), it would be the great continent of Africa.

  4. You would come to Africa, thats weird my brother had the same question.....

  5. Africa. you ************* *****

  6. Africa. Why, are you lost?

  7. Africa.

  8. ur mom.

    haha sweeden.

    NO.. AFRICA!

  9. Why don't you look at a map, on the Internet and see?

  10. Africa, duh

  11. thats should help you with any further questions if you have them.

    And dont say duh to her i bet most of you had to look on a map!!!!!

    Omg some of you. Firstly if you carried on the equator you would hit Asia before you came back to south america.

    And there's no way in h**l you can hit Autralia by going along the equator!!! Do you even know where the equator??

  12. Africa

  13. You would come to Africa and then back to S. America after you went through Africa.

  14. south asia

  15. africa thats easy though but keep trying

  16. ur nan

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