
If you let a rabbit outside will it run away from you? and can you chase it if it does?

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If you let a rabbit outside will it run away from you? and can you chase it if it does?




  1. It could run away. They are prey animals and can get scared.

    If you are going to let them have outdoor play, you need to be out there with them. They are suspectible to heat stroke and predators.

    You should put them in a predator proof enclosure and make sure the grass is pesticide free and clean.

  2. It depends on your rabbit on what they will do, so will some won't, when i used to let my rabbit outside to play it was 50/50 chance he would you can chase one if they do in till they get tired and lay down

    ( where my little dog come in handy lol the used to play all the time but I could catch him too) If your really worried about it you can get a rabbit leash (totally humane don't worry) i had one but really never used it but it did work. Have fun with your rabbit :)  

  3. i used to have a rabbit that would follow me while i did my chores outside and never attempted to run away. then my OTHER rabbit taught me that chasing a rabbit does NOT work. hahahaha. I guess it depends on how much your rabbit likes you.

  4. It will run away and if you want you can try chasing it. If it has no where to go then you can catch it but if it can run straight off and completely away then you will most likly not catch it as they are pretty fast.

  5. when my rabbit lived out side she ran away and was back the next morning.  

  6. Rabbits are prey animals and are incredibly good at not being caught.  If you want to let him/her exercise outside, either use a secure run or you can get bunny sized harnesses, which you can attach to an extendible lead, which I often do with my rabbits.  

  7. dont risk it

    if u want it to run but not get lost, u can clear ur passage and let it run there but make sure that if u have stairs, block the stairs somehow coz a few weeks ago, my rabbit went into my brothers room and my sister saw her wen she came out the bathroom coz the rabbit got up the stairs lol

    but ur gonna need somethin on the stairs which the rabbit cant jump over

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