
If you let someone borrower your motorcycle and they wreck it, can you go after them?

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If you let someone borrower your motorcycle and they wreck it, can you go after them?




  1. Turn it in to your insurance (You do have insurance, don't you?). They'll go after him if they think it's the right thing to do.

  2. Yes. They were riding it. They were responsible.

    (They might also sue you, claiming it was unsafe.

    You can sue anyone for anything.)

  3. Never lend a car or a bike.


    Yes you can.  Just file a law suit - if the person don't want to pay.

    Good Luck....

  4. i think your question should be "can i actually expect to win this case?"

    and just refer to what billcarr said.

  5. Yes, if you draw up and have them sign a contract giving you the right to do so before you allow them to borrow it.

  6. You can, but unless the bike was worth more than 4000.00 just prior to the accident, and it is now totalled, it won't be worth it.

  7. You made a huge mistake here and put your friend and the public at risk. Does this person have an endorsement to operate a motorcycle? If you go after this person don't be surprised if they develop a sore neck and back and come after you. You have learned a great lesson here, drop it and move on.

  8. My insurance covers anyone I let ride my motorcycle, and at the same time will cover me on any motorcycle.

    The simple fact is no-one rides it but me.

    I have no worries.

  9. Shouldn't your insurance pay for the bike?

  10. Did the "someone" have a motorcycle endorsement or insurance? I personally would never loan out any of my bikes if either of those first questions are no's. You may have problems recouping if you knowingly loaned it out to someone who has no business riding.

  11. of course you can go after them......but not on the

  12. Yes, you can go after them.

    Never let a guy borrow your car or your girlfriend... Odds are he'll throw a rod in each.

  13. d**n Maddog , I was going to say that.

  14. Sure, they damaged your property.  If they have auto insurance of their own, or sometimes even home insurance, you might be able to claim the damages there.

  15. Yes. But why would you let someone borrow your bike?

  16. ok

    a bike is like you gf

    would you let another fool

    fukc you chick

    thats y i dnt let anyone use my biike

  17. You can always try to sue the SH>>T out of someone. Not only might you lose in court but you most likely are going to lose a friend also. I am assuming that it was a friend you let borrow the bike. If you let a complete stranger borrow the bike you might have bigger issues.

  18. No you can't, it is entirely your fault.

    You have the responsibility to make sure that the ‘someone’ has insurance or if they don’t that they have the wherewithal to pay for any damage and are prepared to pay for it, preferably in writing, witnessed and dated.

    Morally you might expect that the ‘someone’ pay for any damage but if you made the loan willingly without conditions then you might be about to learn an expensive lesson.

  19. Kinda grey but you can try after all you did loan it to them-Just if they had a break failure or anything else they could go after you also

  20. It's a free country and you can just about sue anyone for anything but that doesn't mean you'll win.

    The laws are different from state to state but if there is proof that your friend was riding in an unsafe manner or was being careless at the time of the wreck he might be able to be held responsible. However that will all depend on the state laws and the particulars of the case. If it turns out that you knew he was unreliable or that you knew he had no endorsement (if that was the case) YOU might be in trouble.

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