
If you like/ love him, would you tell him?

by  |  earlier

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He is not handsome but good looking in his age, around 48, probably married + he is a powerful man in my college. I don't really know why/ what I like about him, I know I love to see his working face and I'm a little bit sexually attracted to him, he is my dream man. Pls don't think that I'm a gold digger, I NEVER think of the money side and my parents are very rich so money isn't the problem. And I know what is my problem, I attracted to him firstly because he is nice to me and helped me a lot and secondly probably because of his 'father figure' as I don't live with my dad for 6 years (but I'm not close to my dad anyway). I love to talk to him about anything but he is busy so sometimes I'm afraid he thinks that I'm annoying.

Although I know I won't get him, but I really want to tell him my feelings. Should I? No...right?

Anyway I am 22.




  1. i suggest you find out if he is maried before you decide on anything

  2. i wouldnt i mean even though hes nice it wont work out why dont u try people your own age

  3. if u like the guy then yeh tell him...

  4. NO, dont do it.  

    There are going to be alot of men (father figures) that you are going to find attractive.  Especially that he is married (you might think) I dont think it is a good idea and if anything would turn into a scandel at school.  You dont need that.  I once told a guy how much I cared for him (it was a little different situations than this), but it didnt turn out good.  He didnt like me after all was said and done and basically ignored me and everyone else at school ignored me, too.  I know that someone, even though we dont want to believe it, that the information (your personal feelings) will be revealed to someone, maybe someone he trusts, and that person will run with it and then there will be all kinds of rumors going around about you.  And believe me, that is very embarassing to say the least and you will be broken in a thousand pieces trying to put your life back together.  It happened to me and I was just being honest with no bad intentions and never expected the good feelings I had for this man to effect me the way it did.  So, do yoursel a favor and back off now.  

  5. I know age isn't supposed to matter but there is a BIG difference in your ages.

  6. dont do it! you will ruin the relationship you already have! go for people your own age, liking him is probably a sign that you want a big strong man in your life, a hardworking husband figure...  

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