
If you like two girls at the same time?

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What is the best way to handle a situation when two girls are very interested in you and you like them both and you are all hanging out with a group of people and some of the people want you to be with one girl and the other people want you to be with the other, and you don't really care which one you end up with but you don't want to hurt anybody?




  1. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.  One or the other is going to end up getting hurt.  No matter what your "social" friends say what should matter the most is what "your" heart and "mind" say.  Only are the only one who knows exactly what you are looking for and who makes you feel more comfortable and more "real".  It's great that they both like you but by being with both you are taking a chance that they will both find out and you'll end up alone.  Do the mature thing..think long and hard and figure out which one "truly" deserves your heart.

    Peace & Love :)

  2. Someone may get hurt Romeo. Stop worrying about what everyone else thinks and go with what you want to do, but chose one or none.  Its not fair to leave both girls hanging on like that.

  3. You gotta do for you and not your friends.Go with the one you can talk to the easiest and feel the most comfortable around.

  4. just maintain a friendship with both girls until you decide one of them is someone you would like to make a commitment to.

    To pit them against each other shows no respect for either and you will lose both.

  5. Dude, if you know them enough. Find out which one will really love you and would be more faithful or loyal. See how many boyfriends they have had, not neccessarily this means the best choice, but the one with the fewest probably is more likely to stay in a relationship. Find out which one wants you most and who has the best personality and isn't all about theirself. hoose who has the best behavior if you run out of answers. Which one has the best morals and ethics. Try saying to them, if I was to not take you as my girlfriend and chose one of our friends, see which one is least jealous and who wouldn't get as upset. That might tell you how bad they want by who absolutely doesn't want to let you go. Hang out with each of them separately to see which one you think would best fit you and put yourself as if you have committed to one of them at that moment before you make your choice on commitment. I don't think I would commit to another girl, because you may lose both of them as girl friends or friends period. You go with your gut feeling and what's best for you and what you want to do. Feel free to email me if you need any other advice.

  6. I saw this on an episode of Growing Pains. Mike had a school dance date with two chicks and couldn't get out of it.

    He had his friend B0ner distract one of the girls while he went and met the other girl.

    It worked out in the end.

    So you need to find a friend named B0ner and have him be your wingman.

  7. Yuck, yuck, yuck!

    So you don't want to hurt anybody but you posted what you posted in the additional details?!


  8. Have them compete and see which one has the biggest butt then you choose.  Simple as that.

  9. In that case if you don't care which one you are going to be with and either one will do and you let your friends make the choice for you.. then please respect both girls and  give them no sign that you are interested in either one of them.. that would be disrespectful to the girls.. as you say you don't really have a preference and you can't make your mind up.. so your heart is not in it and you let yourself get influenced by other people.. in that case .. wait.. until one day you meet a girl you fall in love with and whom you respect and where the respect and the caring is mutual and where you know she is the one you want to be with and no other and when you no longer listen to either one of your friends but you decide out of love for this particular girl... as matters stand.. none of the two girls is right for you.. both deserve to be treated with respect.. and none should be led on.. you care for each equally much which is not enough to start a relationship... and if you really fall in love.. you forget all what your friends say.. then you will know what is right.. and go for that. this time has not yet come for you.. so don't encourage either girl because it would be disrespectful on your part as you have no genuine feelings for either one..

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