
If you live at the beach, do you ever wish you lived somewhere else?

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It seems like living at the beach would be perfect. Do you think so?




  1. It is not that perfect, it is fun but it has its downsides. You have lots of sand nearby where you live, also, the water is different tasting as I can tell from my visit to Palm Beach. Also, it is freaking hot and it burns D;

  2. Nothing in life is perfect. I can't say for people at the rest of the world but I am from the Caribbean and we live by the beach. It so perfect in the hotter months but when the time is colder, you feel the cold more and in the time of storm,,,,,,,,you can just imagine.......the water can get so high where it's starting to come onto the streets.  

  3. I don't live at the beach myself and I can see how it looks perfect but, like everything else in this world, nothing is truly perfect.

    Imagine living on the beach in the time of a natural disaster (especially concerning water & wind) such as a tsunami, flood or hurricane. Your house would be pretty much screwed and there would be risk to your life and others'.

    I'm not one for the beach, but I'm pretty sure people have wild parties on the beach and you would never get any relaxation and peace if there's constantly people on the beach and outside your home. You wouldn't be very trusting as people may think it's easier to steal or break into your home.

    I suppose if you lived on an isolated beach it would be better, but I'm sorry, I just can't see the beach life as perfect.

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