
If you live cheap (ie. you reuse plastic food containers to hold items) does this signify that our poor?

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I live cheap and i try my hardest to be green, i reuse plastic food containers to hold stuff, i use old water jugs as mini shelves, also, i buy from the thrift store to save money on simple stuff like a chair. And i use old towels as rags, i even try to cram as much stuff as i can on paper when i write in a pad to save pages. My friends say that this is OK, but i need to stop living like im poor and i need to just go out and buy what i need. I could do that but i don't want to, so is this a choice?




  1. rich and poor is relative.  the amount of money spent doesn't at all show that a person has money.  in fact, alot of truly wealthy people are frugal with their money.  besides, your friends are probably just kidding around with you.  keep doing the things that you're doing if it makes you happy.

  2. no many people use plastic food containers what do you expect rich ppl to use? gol containers lol

  3. One may be poor. That is no shame. Be economical in the use of our resources whether poor or rich.

    This does not become a class warfare issue, We all hurt if we run out of resources.

  4. reusing items for the environment is a very good idea. in my opinion, i think you should keep it up. but only if you enjoy it and not feel like you're being forced to do that and not like it. you are not living like a poor person because you reuse items to help the environment. in fact, everyone should. you should not think it wrong if others do not agree with what you do because you are helping the earth and they live in it too. you are not living poor. in fact, people with rich things are poor, poor in the heart. i think that being a good person and helping out to save the environment and everyone is the best thing you can do. there should be more people like you trying to do what's right, helping everybody.about the nice things like you think you need them? aren't you doing just fine without them? if you need them, then go ahead and buy them. but remember, always think ahead before doing things. "do i really need this or is it just a waste of money?" you are doing a very good job and i am very glad that you are doing it for everyone around the world, selfish or not. and remember, you are not living poor. you're rich, rich in the heart, soul and without your help, who knows what would happen?

  5. You should tell them that you are living by the three 'R's




    Tell them that if people think you look poor, than they should stay out of your business and plus, in the end you will have more money to spend on luxuries that they don't have.

  6. No You should be commended and forget about what your friends say. they can have their opinion..maybe they are jealous of your values

  7. Monkeyboi, it sounds like you are living some of the points of the Scout Law. Although it's been years since I've been in Scouting, some of those laws are my compass today. It was in Scouting where I first learned to recycle and respect the environment.

    You are living a THRIFTY and CLEAN lifestyle by your commendable actions. You can be HELPFUL by showing your friends the wisdom of your ways. Perhaps your ways will rub off on them? I wish more people lived like you, Monkeyboi!

    Yes, it is a choice. And I commend you.

  8. I think you're a lot smarter than your friends.  Why waste resources just because you can? That kind of careless wastefulness is what has wrecked our environment.

    ((Just be careful you don't become too obsessed with thriftiness: seriously, it can become a compulsion as bad as hoarding or excessive hand-washing.))

  9. I happen to work for a couple of millionairs, they do alot of the things you do, save plastic containers,put plastic drinking cups through the dishwasher rather than throw out, turn over paper for the printer and print on the back ,also they keep clothes for years and years. So go on living the way you do maybe you too will end up a millionair(I don't think that's spelled right, Oh well)

  10. your making the world a better place for everyone. I hope your friends learn from your example. if they don't, maybe you need some new friends.

  11. If people are allowed to do what they choose to do, and are not condemned for doing or not doing it, we will find what works and do away with what does not work. We will do it on our own. When we force people, by making laws, to do whatever is popular, then stupid stuff will be done as well as good stuff. America has worked because people have been allowed to find the best way on their own. The liberals and the rest of the world still have not figured that out.

  12. You need to stop worrying about what your friends say. If it works for you, keep it up.

  13. Does it signify that you're poor?  Not at all.  The rich become rich by being thrifty, not by buying and throwing away and buying and throwing away.  People who save money, reuse things and stretch their dollars end up having more money in the end.

    Think about this:  How many of your friends are rolling in money?  How much money do they waste?  My guess is that they are probably in a lot of debt from buying a lot of junk.  Do you want that kind of debt?  Probably not.

  14. Don't think about what your friend says, because from what you say, you're doing well in tryinig to help the environment and if everyone could do what you're doing, then the world would already be better.

    Keep the good work!

  15. If you don't use all the money you save to buy the latest toys from Apple eventually you will be rich.  Keeping up with the Jones's is how people get poor, by pursuing the illusion of being rich.

  16. If you choose to live that way, there is no harm in it--some of the richest people live that way by habit--if you want nice stuff, you need to start somewhere. There is nothing wrong with what you do, you do it by choice, not need--you are living "green" as much as possible for you--don't worry about what someone else thinks--I do so because of a tight budget--furniture from thrift and some clothes--now, most clothes I buy because I am hard fit, but the old clothes that are not any good, I use for rags, cut for quilts, or as a light blanket--with backing but no stuffing, plastic jugs are used for plants, flowers, garden etc--you could invest in some shelving from thrift store or go to local lumbar yard and buy discontinued\discounted\warped items--you want nicer things there is nothing wrong with what you are doing. Keep it up

  17. Don't worry what other people say! If it works for you then go for it. Some people live green to offset things in their life that are not so green like travel and flying and such. So what if you reuse and recycle. If it helps you save money and feel good about yourself, then so what? Maybe you need to re evaluate your friends if they look down on your lifestyle.

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