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Hey so.. i got my very first speeding ticket just the other day..

and well since i'm a procrastinator I basically have a few months before my "N" (new driver's license) expires..

I was just wondering.. will getting this speeding ticket have any affect on getting my final class 5 license?? because i know sometimes if you get a driving infraction they can take it away and make you redo your probationary period.. it is however my first ever offence!!

many people have said to dispute it and hopefully the cop won't show up.. or argue that i am currently a student and usually they decrease the fine.. but no one knows what happens with regards to your license.. i've even tried to check online.. and can't seem to find it..

so if anyone has any answers i would be very grateful.. THANKS!!




  1. Obviously you know how to use a computer, so go to the BC ministry  of transport website ,  and find out  about the rules about your licence


    AS you  have a " learners permit " I'd say that once you have been convicted  of speeding, you  will have your permit taken away, by the courts, as a part of your punishment.

    You MUST appear and speak  to the Crown Attorney,  on your court  appearance date, before the court begins, to explain your situation.

    Police officers don't "not show up " at court,  as they have to be there, and their SGT will burn them for missing court days. They have a boss to report to, just like in any job.

    Jim B. Toronto.

  2. You have a couple parts to answer:

    Dispute it IF you are not guilty..sure but what lesson does it teach if you dispute it to see if you can get away with it.

    If you dispute, the officer at times, IS unable to attend but might have another officer ask for an adjournment. That is allowed but each officer is required to go to court on many of these tickets and does not simply "not show up" unless some other situation arises.

    If you wish to plead guilty and have a valid reason to ask for a fine reduction-certainly, the JP (justice of the peace) can reduce the amount and will likely do so dependent on your financial situation.

    Will you lose your license or have probationary period extended-unlikely...but then how fast were you going and what was the actual speed limit? Did you have passengers? Were there further aggravating factors? Was it speeding or EXCESSIVE Speeding (over 40 kph past the limit).

    Hope that helps.....also--go to the ICBC web site or simply query BC graduated drivers license to get more details....

    Also--disregard some of the points from an out of province answer--there are no Crown lawyers at Traffic Court...The police constable will act as "crown" and present his/her case and then you will have an opportunity to present your side/ask questions etc...then the JP makes a ruling...very simply done.

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