
If you live in Belgium, Do you need a degree to move to the UK?

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I live in the UK but my partner who is 19 and still lives with his mum is wanting to move to the Uk with me,

His mums saying a load of stuff i am not entirely sure wether to believe.

She says he either need 1 million pounds or a degree to move to the uk

Neither of which he has, but she is a mother who still has all of her children at home and wants to keep it that way

Help please?




  1. haha, dont listen to her, anyone from europe can move to any other european country, no questions asked

  2. your partner can come to this country if he wishes to without £1million or a degree.  Belgium is a member of the EU and as such he has free passage to live in the UK.

  3. He needs a valid passport and that's it or even an electronic id card will do..  Tell his mother she is getting confused with Switzerland.

    One thing to keep in mind ... if he does move to the UK it would be wise if he registered with the Belgian embassy in London otherwise he might get trouble with obtaining a new ID card or passport should he need to.  The Belgians really love their bureaucracy and they can be stick-in-the-muds if your 'domicilie' affairs are not up-to-date.

  4. Citizens from EU member countries can live and work in any other European member country. You do not require vast sums of money, only the ability to maintain yourself.

  5. it sounds to me as if his mummy dearest is telling lies to stop her son from leaving her! you do not need cash to come to the uk! just enough money to live for a while until you both get jobs! and you certainly dont need a degree!!! she is trying to keep him at home and hinder him just like she has with the rest of her children she is very selfish obviously as he may be very happy in the uk! good luck!

  6. I modestly think that most of you, the answerers. missed the important point here.

    This boy is only 19 years old and has still his whole life in front of him and specifically...he needs to learn a trade or profession before jumping head down into another life and culture.

    I do think, as a mother, that his mom wants to keep him home not out of selfish reasons but out of safety reasons. She is his mom and she would know if he is mature enough to face the challenges awaiting him in a foreign country :

    Does he speak fluently English ?

    Has he finished high-school already ?

    Has he already decided to go to a university or has he already learned a trade ?

    Where and how will he live?

    Will he have to depend on you and your family?

    Are you able & mature enough to support him ? Your family certainly shoudn't bear the expenses, that's for certain.

    Will he be able to support himself AND you, his girlfriend, when the times come?

    The fact that his mom quotes the need of either having a profession or a certain amount of money....she may be exaggerating....should open his and your eyes to the fact that life is real and not just wishful thinking.

    What happens if things do not work out between him and you?

    His mom seems to be the one who has her two feet firmly planted on the ground but, sadly enough -so it seems - she  can't seem to express her feelings properly to her son probably because she is scared, anxious  and mad at him at the same time.

    Somebody has to take the mom's position here because she seems to be the only one mature enough to realize that, without a strong background to support  himself/yourself, this probably will be a big mistake although, I concur with some other answerers, that he may be able to succeed but, for that to happen, he does need to have a real strong character and take charge - personally and solely - of his life. Can he do that?

    My kids live abroad but they made sure they were able to support themselves first, to be totally independent of others, to have a job before leaving for this new life : they got university degrees and an international network of friends, friends who are ready to help them in case of trouble. They are lucky enough, up till now, never to have needed their help.

    Let me just point out that it is always nice and reassuring to know that one can call somebody when one feels the blues coming up or one starts to become desperate because one can't find a job right away.

    Also, life in England is much MUCH more expensive than in belgium.

    -Let him try to survive by himself e.g. for 6 or 12 months in Belgium to prove to his mother that he is able to do so and she may relent and agree to let him go.

    -He should, for sure, save some money - at least to be able to support himself during his first 6 months abroad -before leaving Belgium.

    -Don't just act on your hormones but sit down, both of you, and make a list of how much it would cost you per month to live independently. This may be a better eye opener than his mom's reasons. At least, he has a mom who loves him and cares for him.

    -Take some time to think things through and, only then, you can both take a smart and down-to-earth decision.

    One can not only live from water & love as the saying goes in French.

    By the way, how ald are you ? Probably not much older than your boyfriend.  It is nice when one is in love to be living together but life is not only a bed of also has the thorns thrown in for good measure.

    So, having a degree would help greatly in finding a good job that would enable him, or both of you,  to live comfortably on a daily basis.

    Hope you can sort out your problem, intelligenly, to everyone's satisfaction.

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