
If you live in Vancouver do you believe about that killer earthquake that they are talking about?

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If you live in Vancouver do you believe about that killer earthquake that they are talking about?




  1. I live in Seattle and I think a deadly earthquake is possible. Since the last 5 years I have experienced 1 significant earthquake that caused a lot of damage and 2 smaller ones that just scared people a bit. Plus, having the Juan de Fuca plate out there and Mt. Rainier has had some small earthquakes in the last couple of weeks. If it happens it happens but did you notice how all the earthquake hype started up right after Hurricane Katrina. I think organizations seized the moment to scare dollars out of us to pay for de-earthquaking everything. If they want citizens to pay for making cities safer when it comes to earthquakes they can learn how to spend our tax dollars better.

  2. Yes I believe it is coming. Vancouver Island could be totally sunk. I would not consider moving there because of it.

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