
If you live in a different town than your parents, how far away do you live, and how often do you visit?

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If you live in a different town than your parents, how far away do you live, and how often do you visit?




  1. I live 2 hours away from my parents and I used to visit them once a month but now I only visit them maybe 6 times a year?

  2. It doesnt matter what answers you recieve to this question because each family is different.. Some are close and others not. I say if you are an adult, do what works for you  . There is no rule

  3. I live about 3,000 miles away from my parents, give or take a few. I haven't been able to visit for about 2 years now and have no idea when we'll be able to go, see. We live on an island and flying the whole family is expensive. Ideally, we'd visit at least once a year, both families. But realisitically, we have no money. Wahhh....oh well. We'll see them eventually!

  4. Most of my married life I have lived over 1,000 miles from my family.  We tried to go see them once a year (because of the expense).  If you live closer than 100 miles, it would depend on your financial stituation and how you get along.  If they are healthy you could go for shorter periods of time 6-8 times a year.  They could also come to see you.  

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