
If you live in an area with a high electricaal field does it open your home up to more spirits?

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My household seems to have lots of bad luck and we live in an a corner lot where electricity lines seem to cross everywhere. It is also an area where there is alot of magnetic fields too.




  1. I would recommend you look into using

    Feng Shui for your home, as it may be able

    to help counteract some of the negativity you are encountering.

    Many times if you happen to live in an older

    home, and there is a room in your house

    that is the color "red" or  even perhaps was "red"

    at one time, and then later painted or wallpapered

    over- it can actually act as a sort of psychic portal

    or opening between dimensions.

    it can also depend on the history of the land

    that your home is built on.

    Another thing to consider-

    since your home is on a corner lot,

    if the front of your home

    directly faces another street-

    a lot of negativity could be

    flowing in your direction from

    oncoming traffic.

    You can help deflect some of

    the negativity by placing

    a fence in front of your house,

    planting a tree, or using a large

    ornamental rock-

    wind chimes hanging on your front porch

    is also another method that can help you

    to deflect energy that is less than



  2. Not really. High EMF fields can cause hallucinations, rashes, feelings of dread, light headiness and many other symptoms.

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