
If you live in california in LA is moving to Chicago a good idea ?

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I have a seven year old boy and he is doing very well in school so it worries me that he will not be getting the same level of education he is getting now in california my husband wants to move for a job offer that he is getting but I don't know and we can't afford private schools please if you live in chicago tell me if public schools are good there and what the city is like thanks




  1. Without knowing exactly where your husband's job is going to be located it's really hard to say what your son's school  district will be like.

    I spent six years living in the near west Chicago suburb of La Grange and I wouldn't think twice about recommending the town or  the school district to anybody .There are more than a few towns in the Chicago suburbs with similar demographics.It's just a question of what your needs are and how long your husband wants to commute for. However unlike SoCal  the Chicago metropolitan area is well laced with commuter rail lines and buses that connect to them.

    As far as Chicago goes it's one of America's truly great cities with great food, great museums , great baseball , great music

    Yes the winter are horrible and cold and nasty and never seem to end

    But i think that it's a place that i could and possibly should move back to someday

    Good luck

  2. If you are worried about the schools in the city of Chicago,check out some suburbs.You will find quite a variety of schools and you can always drive or take a train into the city.

  3. Well, look, I wouldn't live in California for anything!!!!!!!! (Except if they were paying me 1'00000'000 dollars a month) , and I can tell you that Chicago is far better than Los Angeles.

    Although Chicago certainly has traffic, LA is worse!!!

    The weather could be fine in California, but in exchange you get a smoggy, jammed, congested, and overpopulated city in the deep west of the west of the USA.

    Chicago, instead, has one of the best climates (though it can vary from hot to very cold in winter), less traffic, less pollution (I'm not saying you don't have pollution at all in Chicago) and everything is better. Prices can become a lot cheaper in the midwest than they'd be in California (except for your electric bills, which are far more expensive in Chicago, especially if you were used to save A/C not using heat during winter and installing celing fans for using them in summer).

    And, what can I say about your 7-year old boy??

    He'll get use far more than you!!!

    He'll get new friends, and if not too many new friends, he'll can still contact his old californian buddies from LA elementary by e-mails, messengers, hi5, etc.

    It's no longer as it were in my times, when I was at elementary, that stuff was just almost beggining (just the e-mail, messenger did not exist and hi5, well, you know) and e-mails was only reserved to adults, the same as cell phones.

    Well, get ready for the move, don't worry, we all are through this, at least a few times in our entire lives.


  4. Moving to Chicago from anywhere isn't all that great of an idea in my opinion.  There are parts of Chi town that are OK but it is one windy, freezing cold place in the winter.  Coming from LA will be a huge temperature shock.  Also, Chicago isn't the most friendly place.  I would stay in Cali if I were you.

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