
If you live in the U.S.A. do you believe you will see double digit fuel prices in your lifetime?

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Gas, oil, propane, ect at $10 a gallon or more?

Why, or why not?




  1. According to the saudi people there is plenty of oil and no reason whatsoever for the prices to be so high. So I have no is a mess that's all I know!

  2. I live in NYC and I don't think it will ever happen.  The American public would flip out WAAAAAAY before it got close to $10 per gallon.  The gov't would have to step in to ensure that the cost didnt skyrocket. They would also be forced into investing much more in renewable energy, more efficient vehicles and such. If the govt didnt do that then things would be hairy. not saying there would be riots or such but I guarentee the people in power would never be reelected and quite possibly removed.

  3. I really hope not, and it sounds far fetched at this point.  But when I left for college, and it was about 75 cents for a gallon of gas, none of us thought it would ever be a dollar a gallon.  So I guess I will have to say, yes, I will see 10 dollars a gallon before I die.  I've got another good 50 or 60 years left in me, lol.

  4. Yes, I do.  I am in my mid 30s.  I remember when gas was 75 cents a gallon.   I also remember the Gas Crisis of the late 1970s, which should have been America's wake-up call.  

    Gas this year is already expected to hit $5.   Heating oil follows the price of diesel which today is at $4.75 and may be in the $5.50-$6 range.    

    No new refineries have been built in the US for decades.  To make gas we need refineries.   Demand keeps increasing year after year.  Eventually we do hit a point where prices have to go up because existing US refinieries can't keep up with US demand.

    Very little conservation has been done, and only now are people starting to buy hybrids and compacts.   Demand is still strong.

    Add to this speculators in the commodities market which push prices higher.

    And the bottom line is the price per barrel of crude oil.   One thing you have to keep in mind is that it's priced in *US* dollars.    If the dollar weakens (loses value compared to other currency) it takes more dollars to buy that imported item.  It's true for imported food, manufactured goods, and raw materials... and it's true for oil.  So even if everything else stayed the same, if the dollar keeps falling, it'll take more and more of them.  Soon oil will be $200 a barrel.

  5. I'm waiting for that day; maybe it will help accustom  more people to pedal power. :)

  6. Yeah, I think we'll see it because oil is a finite resource, and if we haven't already reached peak production on it, we will soon.

    Gas prices are already at $4 per gallon and we haven't even established any sort of carbon tax or carbon cap and trade system, which will drive prices up even further.  On top of that, developing countries like China and India are putting more demand on oil, which will drive prices up even further.

    So you've got increasing demand, decreasing supply, and environmental concerns all of which haven't hit us yet, and the price is already skyrocketing.  I would not be surprised to eventually see $10/gallon gas.  It's already $8/gallon in Europe!

    I don't think it will be a big problem though because we're already starting to move toward electric vehicles.

  7. No because ...........

    The Democratic Comprehensive Energy Plan To Lower Gasoline Prices

    This is how we will do it. And this why we will do it.

    This country has so much under used industrial capacity in our

    Auto Plants, Airplane Plants, Steel Plants and Electronics Plants to

    make America Energy Independent in 2 to 5 years. We can build enough

    windmills and solar power and wave generation energy plants to

    replace 90% of all of the electricity generated by COAL and NATURAL


    For $400 Billion we could build 400,000 windmills and provide

    electricity for every home in America .

    The Coal and Natural Gas saved by Green Replaceable Elecrrical

    Generation can now be used to make fuel for cars, trucks, busses,

    boats and airplanes, and or plastics, chemicals, fertilizers and


    We need a comprehensive plan that puts America back to work in

    endeavors that benefit 99% of America.

    Howard Scott Pearlman


    Tony Mullen

  8. Hopefully not, but if our current administration continues on as they are we might as soon as next year. By causing instability in the middle east and refusing to drill here we are compounding the problem.

  9. I think we'll see double-digit gas prices within the next 10 years.  If you've noticed, gas prices may rise but they NEVER GO DOWN afterward.  They just stay at that higher price.  It's already about $5 here, and increases seem to always be by $1 amounts.  Even if the fuel production plateus out, the fuel companies are in this for a profit and will raise prices just out of greed, probably spouting some garbage about "more people are using alternative energy so we have to charge more since it costs more to produce fuel with less people buying...."  or some other pretzel logic like that.  The fuel companies are so good at spinning it and the PUC graciously swallows without considering that the normal citizen cannot afford any more increases.

  10. absolutely-

    inflation and supply & demand issues will push prices to $10

    who cares if US citizen flip out- our economy and infrastructure is based around the car.  We will have to pay!!!

  11. Of course

    .. . ..

    I saw it go from $0.27 a gallon to todays price of $3.99 9/10 a gallon

    .. . . ..

    Where they ever got that 1/10 of a penny left out of the gallon pricing idea  

    -- kind of make me thing that they think we are a bunch of 6th grade drop outs

    .. ..

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