
If you look at a photograph for a short time and then look away from it your trace of the image will?

by  |  earlier

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A.generally fade away in about a second

B.typically form a lasting memory

C.generally last about as long as the time you looked at it

D.Typically be held in sensory register for as long as you look at it




  1. This is a very silly question. Ask the examiner/tutor/teacher who set it exactly what they think it means. Also, it doesn't belong in the photography section; it appears to relate to the mind's reaction to visual images generally. Substitute the word 'sculpture', 'painting' or 'drawing' for 'photograph' and the question works just as badly.

  2. That depends on how long you looked at it and how much of an impression the content of the photograph makes on you. It could be instantly forgetable or stay in your memory for a long time depending on your emotional reaction to it.

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