
If you look at the future you can tell Wade is going to head to Chicago?

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I's in his hometown, the Heat are still looking like c**p and a lot of mumbojumbo. In 2010, Wade will definitely be one of the big stars on the move. If you look at it that team is nearly almost built around him.

Rose/Hinrich (If they don't trade him)

Wade/Thabo (Excellent backup)


Tyrus Thomas


However both noah and tyrus are FA's once wade hits free agency. So if they could so happen to trade Hinrich, Hughes, Thomas, and Noah in a deal that could get them a legit center and some extra pieces would be great!




  1. Finally, someone who agrees with me!!! Listen, here's how it's going to happen... They're not going to resign Gordon, that leaves about 8 million cap space. Gooden's 7+ million contract is done this summer, let him go Thomas will be coming into his own this season. So now you've got 15 million. Then, Hughes's huge 13 million contract comes off the books in the '10 offseason when Wade will be available. The Bulls will have 28 million to spend!! Resign guys like Tyrus and Noah and you'll probably have around 22 million to spend on Wade. Then use a mid-level exception to sign a good center (plus draft another young center in the 2009 draft) who can give you defense and maybe a little bit of offense in the post. Then, the following season you have the best Big 3 since Bird, Parrish, and Mckale with much more depth on the team. Here's your probable line-up:



    Deng/ Nocioni/Sefalosha


    Noah/Draft pick/Midlevel exception center/Gray

    That is one of the youngest and most talented teams in NBA History- The Big 3 are 21, 25, and 28 years old at this point and the other two starters are 23 and 25 years old!! Your only two semi-old players are Nocioni (31) and Hinrich (29)!!! They will be the next NBA Dynasty and will win between 4 and 7 NBA Championships depending on how good Dwayne Wade stays as he ages. They will rival the 3 peat Jordan Era.

  2. Right now, the Heat are looking better than the Bulls. Besides Wade, they've got Marion and Beasley. I think he's more likely to stay with the Heat.  

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