
If you look up the definition ni99er in the dictionary, can white people be one too.?

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If you look up the definition ni99er in the dictionary, can white people be one too.?




  1. my bf goes round calling his m8s his ****** as a joke bu i dnt really no wot he means by it

  2. Yes anyone can be one. Some people have choosen to make it about blacks but in reality it is not.

  3. Yes it has 3 different definition in the dictionary. So yes it can mean a low class citizen, or ignorant.

  4. anyone can be one it is not based on color it is based on a way of life being trashy .

  5. White people who act like ni**ers are usually called whi**ers instead.  (Substitute "**" with "gg.")  Of course, neither term is nice.

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