
If you lost a sting of bets and the forfeit was a bit risque would you do it?

by  |  earlier

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I have a current choice of 3

go commando for a week

pole dance for him and his friends without stripping off entirely

have my tongue pierced

or I can go double of quits for worse although nothing has been suggested




  1. tough one, I'm a gambler so I'd be likely to push my luck. Fingers crossed for you.

  2. Pole dance for him but not his friends ! Why should his friends benefit ? Going commando is too easy and tongue piercing is something only you can decide on, not to be done for a forfeit.

    Double or quits could lead to a lot of trouble !! Just tell your man you love him and want to give him a private pole dance. Good luck.

  3. Out of those? The pole dance.

  4. Yes,,a bet is a bet,,,

  5. He shouldn't ask you to do anything you're uncomfortable with if he loves you.  Only you can choose.  I'd pick the first one because it is the most discreet.

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