
If you lost £10 then found a fiver. Would you be happy or sad?

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If you lost £10 then found a fiver. Would you be happy or sad?




  1. I'd be happy for the Good luck, Any Good Luck that follows the bad always feels better.

  2. Happy that I found a fiver, but disappointed (that's the word I was looking for) that I could have had five pounds extra.

  3. sad

  4. Even if i found another tenner instead of the fiver i would still be disappointed because then i would have known that i f i hadn't have lost the 10er i would have 20 now!

  5. I'd be tempted to keep it, but wouldn't.  I'd know it wasn't mine.  However, in my experience if you do something nice for another person, it comes back increased.  So, happy or sad?  A bit of both.  Happy for the person who lost it that it was found by someone honest, and sad that I had lost mine  -  yet at the same time hopeful anticipatiing the something nice to happen, and it always has for me.

  6. Neither - just satisfied

  7. Finding the fiver would help a bit. Soften the blow of losing ten pounds.

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