
If you made gas go down in price by not buying it wound you?

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If you made gas go down in price by not buying it wound you?




  1. Yes, it does make the price go down if you don't buy it.    For example, if all Americans reduced their gas consumption by 10% for a year, the prices would probably drop 20-30 cents.

  2. It really won't work.  If everyone that needs gas today decided not to buy any out of protest.  They will end up getting it later.  The oil companies know that.  It's not like protesting coffee.  You can do that by having tea instead.  There is no alternative to gas.

  3. I will take the long range view of your question.  Not buying gasoline will in fact lower prices, but the reduction has to be global, not just in your backyard or even across the US.  Reduced demand will lead to an increase in supply and simple economics says that reduced scarcity softens pricing pressure.

    I have already been buying less gasoline.  I shortened my commute drastically and my wife got a job working from home.  Our daycare is next door to the school my other daughters attend.  Everything we need, including a supercenter is within 3 miles of my front door.  Our gasoline bill is less than half what it used to be.  I haven't made a noticeable impact on my own, but as others follow suit, inventories will rise and prices will drop.

  4. Yes it would wound me.....not only me, but almost everyone else that has a job that is more than a couple of miles from their home. Boycotting gasoline is a stupid stupid as stupid can be. I will pay whatever price I have to, to make a living. Remember, adjusting for inflation, Gasoline prices right now are within 3-4% of what they were in the '80's

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