
If you make a profit from gambling, does it matter if you're addicted?

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If you make a profit from gambling, does it matter if you're addicted?




  1. oh for sure, its all about having control. if you don't have control then what are you?

  2. I once wondered the same things as there was a period of 5 months where i played blackjack 30 hours a week, i count cards and win money while i do it, but that thought plaugued my mind since many peopel thought i was addicted.

    I eventually realised that i wasnt addicted, because i now hate casinos and am so bored with blackjack that i hate the game.

    I also realised that it wasnt detremental to my life so even if i was addicted it woudl have been a occupation that i enjoyed that provided income, in the same way as a video game tester probibly loves video games and playes them all the time, but yet does it in his best interest.

  3. If you have a way to Guarranty profits, then there is no addiction, that is your job. If your loosing then you need to categorize it as an additction because its bad.

  4. As long as no one around you is suffering because of you . Do what you like to do . Make your self happy make alot of money but take care you the people around you ....

  5. Well wouldn't that be something awesome. I think it really depends on how the addiction is really effecting others around you.

  6. If you get drunk from drinking, does it matter if you are addicted?

  7. Yeah because if you're addicted there may come a point in time where you begin to lose the profit, and your overconfidence drives you to continue gambling, and then you lose it all and are taken out by a hit man sent by the guy who you owe $2,000,000.

    Or maybe I just watch too many movies, but I still think it matters.

  8. yes it matters gambling profitably is a good thing but you must keep your addiction in check addiction is what keeps you from making perfect moves and addiction also commonly causes you to play in unbeatable games so if your addicted and your good at what you do you still need to do what it takes to recover from your addiction even if it meens you should step away and take a loss until you have a grasp on it stuey unger was profitable in poker but died broke because of addictions to other gambling games and drugs

  9. It's been said (in jest) that the only difference between and professional gambler and a gambler addict is that a professional gambler wins.

    Gambling addiction is an actual medical problem, and in reality winning and losing does not even factor into the equation. There have been plenty of professional poker players who are winners but still ended up being gambling addicts, and there have been plenty of people who have blown humongous amounts of money gambling but were not actually addicted.

  10. If you lose money, its an addiction.  If you win money, its a career.  Funny how that works, right?

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