
If you make a sandwich for lunch the night before, won't it go soggy by morning

by  |  earlier

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how do you prepare a lunch sandwich for lunch at work? what's the best way? night before? ziplock bag? wrap sandwich in paper towel then ziplock? best to prepare the morning of?




  1. It  depends on what you put on it but i think it will

  2. ziplock bag will it depends what kind of a sandwich u r making the night before hand

  3. You got it, wrap it in paper towels and zip lock.

  4. it Will if you add condiments like mayo, musturd...i would suggest adding that in the morning...

  5. I like to pack the bread separately, and put the rest of the "wet stuff" (ham, lettuce, cheese,) in another bag. Then add the mayo and mustard when you are going to eat it.

  6. never put anything on your sandwich that makes it's own water like tomatoes etc. or mayo. It will make it soggy, put these things in a container by there self. Then when you are ready to eat your sandwich              put the mayo etc. on your sandwich.

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