
If you make an attempt to appologize for saying something that could be taken the wrong way ?

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and the person clearly is not accepting the apology by their tone and what they are saying to you and you yell back...Are you the one who needs to make another effort to apologize even though you were provoked to say what you said?




  1. sumtimes im like that but i dont think they realize how much it hurt me. if u yell bak than it just makes it worse. my friend did this and now we havent talked in about im gunna say a month. and im not sorry for not talking to him. he had no rite to say the things that he said to me and u no i dont care about him ne more

  2. Pause and think how you would feel if the tables were turned. Then maybe try again. Hot heads always lead to things said that we wish could be taken back.

  3. If this was me I would make another attempt and just tell them that both of you got out of hand and said things you didn't mean, this will open the door to either them accepting and hopefully apologizing back or being immature and just flat out refusing to listen.

  4. If their a friend, BF, GF, or someone close then yeah I would attempt it again. If not, then that depends on whether you want to be on good terms with the person.  

  5. Well, um, maybe. Were they yelling at you when you were apologizing? If they were not civil enough to accept your apology the first time then apologizing again probably won't do any good. When I go to a person and apologize and they won't hear anything I have to say then I leave it at that. At least I tried. But to answer your question, perhaps it's not necessary to apologize a second time if they deliberately provoked you.

  6. You wait until tempers have cooled...and then try again, with the preface that this friendship/relationship is far more important than a petty misunderstanding.

  7. I would begin by asking yourself "what are you really committed to"??

    What are you achieving by either having that second conversation (or third or forth)... and what are you achieving by not having further conversations...?

    Side note:  if you do decide to have another conversation, remember that an apology is 100% about you taking responsibility for YOUR actions.  It has nothing to do with their actions.  In fact the word "you" should pretty much never be said when apologizing.  Im gonna guess this didnt happen in round one... lol

    Now you may be thinkin to yourself "but, I only did what i did because they did this and that first".  That might absolutely valid, however in an apology you are simply taking responsibility for "your part" in the argument.  It doesnt mean their stuff dont stink.  But you recognize there was something in your actions that was not appropriate and by apologizing you own up to that.  Thats all.  And there is NO talking about them and their actions.  

    For example...

    Bad: "I'm sorry for yelling at you, but I only yelled because you hurt my feelings"

    - here you are really saying they are the source of the your anger

    Good: "I'm sorry for yelling at you.  When my feelings get hurt i tend to lash out and say things i dont mean."

    - here you are owning that you are the source of your anger

    Hope this helps

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