
If you make an honest mistake on an application for self-employment dates...?

by  |  earlier

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I put the wrong year down for my self-employment business. I've already accepted the offer and now a background company called for verification of my self employment with Schedule C's...I found one for the one year but not the other. I knew I didn't make hardly any money with this company so I though maybe I just hadn't made enough that year to file. My husband reminded me that I started my business the following year (it was short lived only 1 year...) after my father-in-law died and his grandmother died... I was homeschooling at the time. I called the background company imediately and explained what happend (had to leave a msg) and the gal from the actual employer who made the offer (had to leave her a msg as well.) It was an honest mistake. Am I screwed? I will be so upset if they rescind their offer.




  1. No you'll be fine. I think if it wasn't so hard to prove you should not have mentioned it though. But i have been given thorough go-overs for lots of jobs and when small discrepancies come up, it's not such a big deal.

    So no you're not screwed! Now if you lied about your skills, or jail time, or drug use, then you're screwed. You didn't really say how long ago the discrepancy was, but the longer ago it was, the better you'll be off. Every ones memory and dates get fuzzy after a bit, this is normal.

    Don't panic. Hopefully they will understand, make the correction and hire you. :)

  2. My guess would be that it will only be a problem if you can't convince them that it was an honest mistake.

  3. As long as you made a truly good effort to correct the mistake I would think everything is fine.  I would though call them to see how you fair in the running.  Most managers appreciate somebody who will call them and ask.  Hardly any do.  I think you will get the job. Smile a lot, make those around you remember you as a pleasant personality.   Work hard, go in early and stay late, take a break only if you really need it. When others are goofing off ignore it and stay busy.  Do not listen to idle chatter things like that will slow your education.  Learn as many things each day as you can and always be honest with yourself and others.  God Bless  

  4. If the company is reasonable, it won't matter.  If they are not, consider whether you would want to work at a company that is that unreasonable.  It's out of your hands so calm down and cross your fingers.

    Good luck.

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