
If you miscarry what are the signs your body gives you and how soon does the bleeding start?

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just wondering, I'm 14 weeks and very scared of miscarrying because I'm still early into my pregnancy.




  1. I have had two miscarriages with both I started off by cramping. NOT just normal uterus stretching cramps but really bad period cramping. Then a couple of days later I started bleeding. Bright red blood. You are fine don't worry and try to enjoy it.  

  2. I know what you mean! I'm 9 weeks and terrified! Good question, I'd like to see the answers too.

  3. is  always a risk in a prgnancy to miscarriage. Just be careful. I miscarriage after 3 months and had signs of not a happy time and my belly didnot grow like it should of. Almost died of the baby blow up in my tube. There is no waring to lose your baby. My sister didn't have any waring and just try not to stretch  over your head. Just enjoy your prenancy.

  4. don't worry. That is the worst thing you can do at this point... Be glad that you made it past the scary part into the safe period. There is a risk bit it is very very small... Just wait till you start feeling that baby kick. That will be greeat reassurance for you! But my doc said that if you lose all pregnancy symptoms like : nausea, breast tenderness, cramping (menstural like) and anything else you may have due to pregnancy then you need to go to the hospital and get an ultrasound or listen to the baby;s heart beat. Also if you feel an extreme cramping in the middle of your abdomen followed by bleeding that is a very good sign things are wrong... And youre not too early... 6 weeks and you are half way done...  

  5. At 14 wks you are at least in a safer area of pregnancy so while miscarriage could still happen it is less likely than in the first 12 weeks.  With my friend she didn't have any signs at all then all of a sudden at 12 weeks she started spotting and went to the Dr and the baby had died at 9 weeks.  She started bleeding that night (so 3 weeks after the baby died) and she passed the baby a week later.  

  6. You start to get horrible cramps and you can just feel something is wrong. I know that's such a general answer but you know your body and you'll know, at least I  know I did. But 14 weeks is out of the risk period, it can still happen but it's much, much less likely. Relax, I know that hard but stress isn't good for either of you. CONGRATS!

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