
If you miss your period how do you know when you ovulate before the next period?

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My husband and I are trying to conceive. My last period was on June 15th I usually have a 32 day cycle and I am so far 7 days late. I took a HPT came out negative. So should we do BD every other day since my period is late or do I wait until I get my next period and thendo BD every other day. Any suggestions??




  1. Fantastic question!!

    i was due for my AF yesterday and still nothing. I could feel all signs of ovulation this time including opening of the cervix (to much detail I know!! sorry!!)  But i also have pcos and have am now on cycle 7 of the ttc calender.. its sooo hard to know what to do! My last period was 3 wks late.. i had no luck at all determining what was going on. I wasted heaps on hpt's and even went for a blood test..

    From experience.. i would say you have missed it this time.. just relax and enjoy your husband and try and focus on next time... (with a bit of luck you get your BFP while you relax!! wouldn't that be nice!)

    I don't worry about trying to concieve untill after your af.. just BD when you feel like it and do it with all the love and passion you can muster.. bring back the  love in it other than the  technical ttc side of it all..

    best of luck hun! Baby dust to you..!!

  2. One of the most reliable ways if you were charting your temperature. If you chart your temperature - a temperature rise will have indicated that ovulation has occured. With my experience - longer cycles usually indicate anovulatory cycles, which are quite common. This means that you will eventually get your period, even though late, but ovulation did not occur that month. I am not sure whether BD now would help - you may have ovulated late, causing your period to be late (thus ovulation has already passed), or your cycle may be anovulatory and therefore you will not concieve this time.

  3. the best thing to do is use an OPK it helped me. I thought I ovulated on the 20th aprx of each month since my periods are "normal" and I was wrong- I ovulate on the 17th/18th of each month normally so I was always BD'ing too late... So try using those! Best of luck. I have been ttc#1 for 15-16 months now.. Got pregnant last month and lost baby at 4 1/2 weeks along. But last month was the first time I used the OPK and BAM I fell pregnant right away.., Best o luck!!!

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