
If you mom smokes crack and you dont know you dad can you look for parents somewhere?

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If you mom smokes crack and you dont know you dad can you look for parents somewhere?




  1. yup social services can help arange it so you go into foster home

  2. Seek out relatives who are normal. You cannot live with criminals or addicts without going down yourself. Save yourself. The relatives can apply to become kinship foster parents, and get generous payments for your support. If no family will serve, then go to the local child welfare authority and ask for help getting removed.  

  3. No but you could report her to the police or ask the police to find you some where to live until they can find some foster care  for you. It may get mum off the gear and let her know how much you love her and worry about her. She will be pissed big time at first but al least you'll be out of harm and she will get some rehab for her habit

    good luck

  4. Not really... you could turn your mother in and try to get into foster care but it might suck even more.

    Got cousins or someone to move to, that might be easier than in the system. Your Mom can get told to go to rehab and get you back, try an intervention and make her do it if you can

  5. i wish

  6. If you hire a private dectective who can search through records. Get as much info as you can from your mother or her family members then give it to the detective who can help find your father. Good luck.

  7. You could look but most people in that situation mooch off of their Uncle Sam.

  8. I really wish I had a definitive answer for you , but what I do know is that you do not have to live in that situation . You can go to child protection agencies and report your mom and let the state take care of her and the addiction . You deserve better so seek out help . It is there for you.

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