
If you move to New Zealand, do they provide you with sheep or do you have to bring your own?

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If you move to New Zealand, do they provide you with sheep or do you have to bring your own?




  1. Yeah sigh,..... New Zealand! " Where men are still men

    and sheep are extremely nervous".

  2. Best to stick with the native variates. Let us not forget that those cagey New Zealanders have been at this for quite some time.

    They are well experienced in the safe handling and proper use of sheep. As such, they have become very cognizant of the inherent dangers regarding the interaction of men and sheep.

    To put it simply, as a consideration to men who may want to "enjoy" the mutton before it's served for dinner, they mark the ones that kick.

    You will see them in the fields. A large red circle with a slash through it sprayed on the hind quarters identifies the ones you want to stay away from.  

    Have a good time!

  3. 4 million people - 45 million sheep

    I think you will be ok....

    just make sure you grab one late at night when no one is watching.

  4. They have this cool new breed of sheep. They were cross-bred with, oh, you may not want to hear this.  Let's just say the milk is wonderful.

  5. Cowie you really need to brush up on the "New" New Zealand.  Ever since the country went "New" it is a  metro-sexual country therefore you have to bring your own sheep.... dyed to match of course!  You really must brush up

  6. Why would you want to associate yourself with the likes of sheep? Are your bovine-brethren aware of this? Is this some kind of disturbing ewe-fetish? And what do they say about a wolf in sheep's clothing? Is there even an answer to your question here?

  7. You don't have to bring your own but you'd better be prepared to shell out for a lot of candle lit dinners and fancy gifts... Those New Zealand sheep are spoilt. NZ men go crazy for them and the seduction process is long, arduous and full of ritual... But if Flossy's your bag then it's probably time well spent!

  8. They have plenty of sheep but be you may have to hunt around unless you want an ugly one.

  9. The sheep here are tainted.  It's best to bring your own.  There are  a lot of sheep-men running rampant

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