
If you move to another country do have to start completely over like ( see discription)?

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getting credit, and stuff, I mean would the bank accounts we have here work over there? If we have good credit here does it follow you there? And when you come back to the states do you just get back your old credit and accounts or anything?




  1. You would need a new bank account if you are moving, your credit will follow you, so if you're trying to escape bad credit it won't work.  But yes your good credit will follow.  Some places have different ways of calculating credit, but good credit is good credit.

    When you move back whatever credit you have at that time will also follow (so if you tanked your credit that will follow you back to the US).  And you will have to come reopn accoun ts (unless you kept them active)

  2. Your bank accounts still work the exact same way but you will probably want to open new accounts in your new country.  Credit cards will stay the same and I have left a couple of accounts open in the states with on line banking so I can pay off small bills on line and without dealing with long mailing times etc.  

    You never lose a credit rating in the states. maybe if you were gone 10 years plus, but there would still be a social security record and a residual record of your previous credit.  

    Every country is different.  That's one of the things that you have to check out before you move.  and you have to decide whether you are going to be buying real estate etc.  Then you set up new bank accounts to service your mortgages etc.  Lots to do but all relatively simple.

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