
If you never get a thank-you card...?

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How do you know the person received the gift you sent?

I sent a gift card to a couple whose wedding I was unable to attend due to work. I never got a "thank you" back. I assume they got it, but I was a little concerned b/c I had to send it to them at an address I found online since I lost the wedding invite.





  1. Call or email to make sure they got the gift. Explain you got the address online and was concerned it was incorrect.

  2. I would call the store that you purchased the gift card from to see if it had been "cashed in." If it has, leave it alone. The gift card and your name may have gotten separated from each other. If it hasn't been used, I might mention it to them just to make sure that they received it. It could actually be among other stuff or might have been mistakenly thrown away. If it was destroyed somehow, you can actually cancel the first card and replace it with a new card. Good luck.

  3. Either call or write, stating you just wanted to make sure they got it. I know how hectic things can be after a wedding and I know for a fact there was at least a few cards I probably forgot to send out after my wedding but because you sent it in the mail, and could have possibly lost in the mail or delivered to the wrong address, you should get into contact with the couple.

  4. There is no harm in asking.  The truth is, if they got it and didn't send a thank you card they are in the wrong.  You did the right thing by sending them something even though you were unable to attend.  If they did receive it, after you talk to them they will realize that it was horrible of them to not send you a thank you card.   You would rather know that it got there and isn't lost.  

  5. I'd call and ask if they got the gift.

  6. Send them a note and ask them?

  7. You may just have to ask the bride and/or groom. My niece and nephew who have been married for almost 2 years have not sent out thank you notes for any shower gifts or wedding gifts.  My sister is fit to be tied about that but there is nothing she can do.  

  8. maybe your "thank you" is on its way...


  9. How long has it been? I'd wait a year before worrying.

    But if you're worried call them and ask.

  10. i see where your going with this! well, its always nice to sen a thank-you card..but sometimes those people "forget". its a gesture that most people play upon their selves, and forget on others. perhaps this couple you met "forgot" for them selves! but just to make, or just mail them again asking if they got it. its not that hard!

  11. Just ask them if they received it, and say you were worried it got lost in the mail.

  12. Ask them.  "Hey Bob did you get the grift card to the porno shop I sent you for you wedding?"  "I wanted to make sure I sent it to the right address."  "Yes Jane we got thanks my wife got great new toy."

  13. I would call and ask

  14. Why don't you give them a call?  The most you should wait after the wedding for a thank you card is about 3 months.

  15. Sometimes it takes a while for things to simmer down enough for the bride and groom to write the thank you notes.  Do you have a tracking number for the gift you sent?  This could help you figure out where your thoughtful gift ended up.  If that does not work, since you are genuinely concerned that they did not receive their gift, contact them (call or email).  Don't open the conversation with the gift inquiry but start by saying you were sorry you were not able to attend and hope the day was great, etc and then get to the "did you receive what I sent?" part.  Otherwise it could seem like you are fishing for a thank you, which would not be polite.  But never sending a thank you note at all is really rude.

  16. If it has been more than two months since the wedding, it’s ok to call and ask out of concern the gift was lost. Of course the benefit is that you’re also subtly shaming them if they’ve failed to send out TYs.    

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