
If you only had 48 hours to live .what would you do??

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If you only had 48 hours to live .what would you do??




  1. Go on a 3 day session!!!!


    stuff my face, get high out of my mind, errrrrrrrm go errrr man this is hard jeez i really dont know errm just get high :)

  3. Spend all my money on a trip somewhere I REALLY wanted to go (in first class), talk to my friends/family for a really long time while enjoying delicious food and a luxury lifestyle for the two days.

    Awesome question, btdubs!

  4. I'd spend time with Jesus (talking and telling Him about my dying fears and how much I can't wait to see Him in Heaven), my family and closest friends, write letters for them (family and friends) to read after I died, and go skydiving... (ok, in that case I may not have enough time for the skydiving but I just had to put that in. LOL)

  5. i would live em with my family snd friends...enjoy the last 48 hours...i would spend as much money as i could :)

  6. Become an assassin.  I know my target.

  7. I will start My count Down From 48...47....

  8. Cuddle my wife and try and get her frame of mind right for her future.

  9. i would want to sleep with some one

    skinny dip :P

    dye my hair a crazy colour

    tell poeple wat i really think of them and say my good byes

    try and go lots of crazy things :)

  10. Set my clock back a few hours.

  11. say good bye to my friends, go swim in a lake, finally go to Michigan,walk around the block singing really loud,

    walk my dog, tell my teacher what I think of her losing my test, dance, dump my fish in the lake, practise my violin, walk in a forest, and be with my friends and family.

  12. Get my two sons round and spend it with them, invite mum and dad and sisters as well, cuddle everyone lots and lots, call everyone i know and tell them how much i appreciated their friendship, love etc, sit and look at photos and remember all the good times and cry lots......I feel quite emotional........

  13. Burn all the clocks in the house and avoid News programs .. then probably wonder how long it had taken me to burn all the clocks .. and panic.

    In all seriousness, I'd probably carry on as normal, after all, what would be the point in making everyone else worry about the inevitable ... I'd just smile more in the knowledge that those that wanted to play mind-games at work were fighting a slightly daft losing battle. Lets face it, any one of us may die in the next 48 hours, yet because none of us knows, none of us worries or passes on that worry to those that love us.

  14. Well, I wouldn't set the alarm to wake me up for work - that's for sure!

  15. Sleep and think and reflect back on my life.

    and eat lots of ice cream while I do it.

  16. hah!

    s***w someone, get really high, dye my hair pink and then shave it all off, say goodbye to all my friends, spit in the principal's face, run away, go pole dancing and then tattoo my bald head and wear red contacts and then die on my best friend's lap.  

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