
If you own a piece of land

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how far may you dig into the land before it is no longer yours. When this happens, who does the land belong to?




  1. In the United States, you own the land all the way down to the center of the earth. However, mineral rights can sometimes be sold. (That occurs, for instance, in areas with oil fields, or valuable metals, such as gold.) So, check your deed to make sure you own the mineral rights, if you hope to discover and do anything with the contents. Otherwise, though, it's yours.

  2. Every Country, state, county and subdivision can have different laws to, as what you can do with it.

    Same with the airspace above you.

    For instance, if you find oil, you would need a permit to pump it. You may not get that permit, because you oil reaches maybe over into other properties and you could suck out their part or the hole could create a hazard

  3. If you live in England you do not own the land you are only the freeholder. All land in England is owned by the Crown.

  4. You own it to the centre of the earth (in the UK), but any valuables found belong to the state.

    You also own the air up to the 50 miles, but cant stop air traffic over your house.

  5. how far do you intend to dig and what are you digging for? water? oil? gas? molten lava?

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