
If you own a plot of land, how much space do you own above, and how much do you own below ground level?

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If you own a plot of land, how much space do you own above, and how much do you own below ground level?




  1. In England and Wales, in theory you own everything all the way down and all the way up.

    In practice you do not own certain minerals in the ground, such as oil and gold. And you cannot prevent things invading your airspace above a height necessary for reasonable enjoyment. This normally means that things fixed to the ground, like cranes or signs cannot cross your land, but planes etc at normal height can.

    Usually where things like water pipes or electricity cables cross your land the owner of those owns an easement, which is a right to cross or use your land for a particular purpose. These will be mentioned in the land registry (deeds) for your property.

  2. In the US, if you hold the patent to the land then the patent covers everything from the center of the earth to the heavens above. Meaning you have total control of everything within the borders indicated. You have the right to do what you will within that space as well. Most people have unfortunately no idea what a land patent is, let alone how to secure it to themselves.

    There isn't enough space here to explain how it works but send me a pm and I can send you a website link that can explain it more.

    If you just hold a title deed to land then you are limited to the parameters noted. For instance in a deed it could list a right of way granted to a utility or city. It could also limit what you can do with the property. Always read carefully before signing any contractual document. Make sure you know what you are getting into.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Air space above ground is not owned by the property owner, it is regulated by various agencies, both federal and local. You would have to look at your deed or purchase contract to see if you are entitled to mineral rights on your property. Again, that area beneath the surface of your property is regulated by government agencies.

  4. In the UK you don't own the "mineral rights", I know that.

    Not sure about how much you own above it , though.   Not much I wouldn't have though.  Plenty of people have tried to stop BT from running telephone wires over their land without success.

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