
If you own a rescue center any tips and advice on opening one ??

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Hi ALL , I am opening a miniature pony resuce center in a couple of months and I need some advice and tips on how to deal with the part when the ponies go to there new home as I get VERY VERY attach to my animals and I will more then likley cry when each one goes home as I hve seen them grow into ponies that can trust again and are healthy etc . Also any tips on what to feed a new resuce and of corse I will have heaps of tubes of DE-womer so I can give them some DE-wormer (sorry to say ) but so they don't feel all wormy . And if you own a resuce center how often do you get a mare infoal and how has it paned out was the foal ok etc any advice will be great thanks Kristie ,

ALSO I am asking another question on what to call our new mini rescue center here is the link;_ylc=X3oDMTE1aThkdWZ2BF9TAzIxMTU1MDAxMTgEc2VjA2Fuc19ub3QEc2xrA2Fuc21vcmU-;_ylv=3?qid=20080708181320AAysjGO

Thanks heaps and the name will hav eto tell them what I do which is save minis




  1. begin w/IRS not for profit status, and you can then begin raising money for your cause. Talk to an accountant about this and other tax strategies to maximize your mini horse rescue's efficiency. Make sure you have very good descriptive paper for adoptions. Always keep your stable and equipment clean clean clean!!! Project your horses like they are the best, don't try to appeal to people's feelings with sob stories. Donations come from positive outcomes, not from 'before' pictures. Most important, know the difference between a salvageable, marketable horse, and one who really should be going to the glue factory, as not all horses are saveable.

  2. I own Golden Hills Ranch Equine Rescue and Rehabilitation, don't look for a website its not done yet LOL.  My non profit status should be done in about 25 days, i was counting but i lost track LOL

    First my advice to you would get your 501c3 (non profit) its for the IRS and believe me it will make your brain hurt.  I hired someone to do mine, they made it easy for me.  It did cost me 1016.00.  You need to get a group of people willing to help you, you cant do this on your own.  You need to have  board members, i would suggest 4 positions President, Vice President, Secretary and Tresurer.  Im the President and Tresurer, i have 3 Vice Presidents and a Secretary.  You have to have three non related people on your board, my sister is the Secretary and you see why i have 3 Vice Presidents.

    You need money, i have spent about 30 grand setting up of my own money and i need to order 6 more shelters later this evening (that was a note to myself LOL)

    You need to get insurance, im still looking into that, trying to find the best deal.  You need volunteers, you need help...Believe me there are days i come in my room and just cry, thats how tired i am, but my alarm goes off i wake up and start all over again.  Make sure you have a good farrier and vet to.  We use to breed minis and i was trained by farrier neighbor to do their hooves, so that part was free and i did all the basic vet care, taught to me by our local vet, that saved money to LOL

    Getting attached...I love all my animals but if i know my horses are going to someone who will be good to them and do something with them, that makes me happy.  

    Wormer you can buy in bulk, you could find someone willing to cut you a nice deal on them to.  Hay im going to buy semi loads, that will save me a lot of money, could you to.  

    Mares in foal...I have 5 that are pregnant LOL Bought a mini once that foaled 2 months after she got here, so it can happen.  

    There is other paperwork you need to do to, but starting with the 501c3 is your first step.  I need to get my business licence and a few other things but i need the number the IRS gives you...Oh and even if you dont hire people you need to get a number for that to.  That you can fill out by yourself, i did pay the lawyer to get mine, it was 79 dollars, 15 if you do it yourself.

    I need a quad espressoLOL

    Have fun and do not get in over you head...Only take in what you can take care of by yourself, there are no guarantees someone else will be there to help you.  I only have 9 here right now and im tired LOL Im hiring people to help me....I need it, i do have room for 21 more but will not take more with out help.  We will be expanding but those stalls will remain empty until help comes, heck you can only pick up so much poo before you back gives out LOL

    Forgive the mis spellings spell checker is not working and i cant seem to find my mother cleaned my room LOL

  3. I got my mini pregnant and neglected, she had never had her hooves done (They weren't AWFUL, but bad enough) she fought putting a halter on, she was stubborn... Well I finally get her to the point where she would stand and let me brush her, and put her halter on nice and easy and everything she was wonderful!! And then she had her baby and it was like everything went right down the drain, and she went right back to the way she had been!! A guy came out to help me halter break my baby ( I had never had one before, I didn't know she was pregnant when I brought her home) and he said it was because she was jealous, so I had to start all over giving her one on one time again.. Things have come along ok again, she is definately my favorite mini and I could NEVER part with her.. But it was alot more work than i thought it would be, it took a long time to gain her trust and learn new things, like getting her hooves trimmed .. that was a rodeo... But anyways. We feed ours timothy hay and a very small bit of alfalfa or oats as a treat. They get fat very easy since they aren't being ridden, but mine like to go fo walks like dogs for exercise and to explore..

    Good Luck :D

    *sorry I wasn't able to answer the rescue center part, but thought I owuld share my neglected mini experience anyways *

  4. i have some tips on how to part with them

    you can just think that these ponies are going to a good home..if your worried that they are notgoin to a good home you can just ask for their phone number and call to check up on the horse

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