
If you own land please read I want to share with you my life l?

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So my grandparents just lose there beautiful 4 acre home and I have been going there every sice I was grandpa has a big spending problem and it has finally caught up to him...they were selling there house but now the bank is taking it....and I am really sad and depressed...they started putting there house on market about 4 years ago I was sad but then I seen nobody was intrested so I was fine...but now that everything hapened so sudden I fely like I took all my 14 years I've been up there for granted I learned how to fish, swim, hunt, EVERYTHING up there I feel horrible now....I was talking to my friend the other day and she said well at least you got to do all of that stuff I didn't and that same night I started to feel like I tookit for granted and I did and this is the last time were going up there and I feel horrible(and no my friend dindt make me feel that way so don't say that)So this isn't really a question I am here to say from experience if you own land do not take everyday for granted even if your not moving or getting your house taken but things happen so do not take anything for granted.




  1. After many years in the ministry, we finally got to buy our own home, and it is finally paid for.  Sometimes, I gripe because we do not have an upstairs, and we do not have a fireplace, but hey, it's ours, and no one can take it from us.  I need to thank God every day that it is ours and it is a beautiful place to live the way we have fixed it up.  I hope your grandparents find a nice replacement soon.

    God bless you, Grams

  2. Thank-you so much for the reminder. I love my farm, and my country life, and wouldn't trade it for a billion dollars. And as much as I thank-you for the reminder, I feel for your loss.

    I offer you this in consolation: Remember, when you get older, how much you love the country, and choose to go back.

    I had to move to the city when I was 17, I didn't like it. After I left home at 21, I slowly worked my way back to a country life. It was difficult at first,  I didn't have much money, but I had my valuation for country living, and I knew what attitude to bring to country work. Now, years latter, I own my own farm. I love my life.

    I am proof that you don't have to be rich or educated to live in the country. I knew what I wanted and worked for it, you can too. Living in the country is not about money, it is a "way of life", more than anything else. A way of life belonging to those who have the courage to embrace it. I believe that you too, have that courage.

  3. A few years ago my family decided they didn't like it in town so we bought about 16 acres of farm field in the middle of nowhere. We built a house and a pole building then moved in. We had a buyer for our house really fast actually and we paid off the house my family and friends built. I like it out here except for the fact that were almost 1/2 hour from anything... I don't take it for granted either... I know what would happen if something happened to my parents(freak accident or something) the land and house, tractors and cars would be sold and I don't know what would ever happen to my 20 or so ducks either... I am 18 now and moved out here when I was 15...  Also one of my friends died in a car accident last night so I am not taking anything for granted anymore...

  4. Be glad for the good times and memories you have. Stuff happens.

    I think sometimes the credit score c**p is stupid and unfair. The smallest of things can affect it.

  5. Good message.  Many people are facing the loss of a home each day in this economy, so your message is important for us all to think about.

  6. When my family was going to buy a house in the country i was soo exicited i couldnt wait it was my dream to live with my horse not board him at some farm where i can barely see him. The owners of the house decided not to sell to us and it broke my heart!!! We were all packed and ready to go and had to unpack everything.

  7. You well have all those good memories...We have owned land for as long as i can remember, its nice to.  I like that our neighbors are not right next door, though we have excellent neighbors i don't want to be able to walk there.  I did live in the city for a few years and hated it, i had to board my horses, get dressed to see i can walk in my jammies out there and not have to worry.  In life i never take anything for granted and your still young, when you get older buy some property and make new memories.

  8. ya.....

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