So my grandparents just lose there beautiful 4 acre home and I have been going there every sice I was grandpa has a big spending problem and it has finally caught up to him...they were selling there house but now the bank is taking it....and I am really sad and depressed...they started putting there house on market about 4 years ago I was sad but then I seen nobody was intrested so I was fine...but now that everything hapened so sudden I fely like I took all my 14 years I've been up there for granted I learned how to fish, swim, hunt, EVERYTHING up there I feel horrible now....I was talking to my friend the other day and she said well at least you got to do all of that stuff I didn't and that same night I started to feel like I tookit for granted and I did and this is the last time were going up there and I feel horrible(and no my friend dindt make me feel that way so don't say that)So this isn't really a question I am here to say from experience if you own land do not take everyday for granted even if your not moving or getting your house taken but things happen so do not take anything for granted.