
If you owned a Philospher's Stone, aside being rejuvenated, what alchemy.....?

by  |  earlier

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.... would you try and why.

What cheap , small, little would you try to make precious, big and grand ?




  1. I would use it to turn lead into gold so that I can create a big enough fortune to buy my own oil company and no longer have to pay these ridiculously high prices for fuel. Plus I would use the money to buy a big place for my family and friends.

  2. Diamonds come to mind, & an endless supply of chocolate.

  3. endless supply of yum-yums...

  4. I would try to find a way to attach US to Europe or the other way around...

    I can't go through that flight again, at least not soon! it's the most difficult (boring, tiring, horrible) thing I've done in my life!

  5. My brains.  Wouldn't that be grand?

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