
If you owned a really nice tugboat, what would you call her and what color or colors whould she be?

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If you owned a really nice tugboat, what would you call her and what color or colors whould she be?




  1. I've never had bad luck changing the name on a boat, so don't be superstitious.

    Dark colours are nicest. I like Flag Blue or Black.

    Eversure...Ironclad...Musclebound....N... Ride....Guidance....

  2. your moms favorite colors and after her to honor her

  3. I would call a tugboat Theodora Tugboat. It would be dark green, with white, maybe with touches or red here and there for contrast, and all unpainted wood would be varnished of course.

  4. Try to avoid dark colours as they absorb more heat and this could very well speed up the detoiriation of the epoxy resins.

  5. White, with Signal Red trim and a navy Blue stripe along the bulkheads on the weather deck.

    Only one name would suit. "Dauntless"

  6. I would call her "DRAGGIN`GIRL" or "KIMBERS" and I would paint her DuPont Safey Yellow.

  7. I love them in dark red or dark green and varnish like they appear in the Disney's cartoons.

    These tugs are cute, fuel efficient, traditionnal looking, sea worthy so I would call her an antique women name like carolina, annaelle, osiris, a star like astartee, arethuse,  or make up something like pumfette, mistigreen, or go for a fun name for a small boat like fearless, braveheart, evergreen

    Enjoy your boat

  8. I like my tugs red and white or red with gold strips. i would name her BUMPER or MIGHTY MOUSE.

  9. For commercial use or to live on?  There is a difference in the way boats are named depending on their use.  You DO know about changing the name of a boat, I hope.

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