
If you owned a yacht and you could travel with it any where in the world where would you go?

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and who would you take with you?

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  1. I know a lot of them with the super yachts go to the mediterranean for the summer, and the carribean for a lot of the rest of the year.  I would def start in the Med!

  2. Greece with my wife.

  3. i would go to the Cairbbean Islands

  4. i'd bring all my friends to travel with me and i'd go to miami

  5. I would want to go back to the Island of Capri (where Bobby beat up Whitney) omg it's beautiful there the water is just incredible and the scenery wanna go?

  6. st. thomas and barbados.  i would take my husband and my cat.

  7. If i was to travel the world in a boat, I would take 3 people...The world's finest cook, so i can have all of the worlds best choices of food while im on my voyage, the 2nd person would the usa's best personal fitness trainer, so i dont get all sluggish traveling the world and eating the best foods, and the 3 person I would take would be probably my best friend daniel, so that way I would never eat the finest food in the world alone, cause i doubt that the fitness person would have much more to say than (Arnold accent) "look at you, your getting fat eating all those carb, yaaa" and then I would also have somebody to work out with me and talk to while im out at see, but i would have to make some stops to see some people i know, and to just stop and meet new people. Now my destination, is unclear, at least in the order I do things to tour the world. Just as long as I see everything, that will be my destination.

  8. Anywhere that doesnt have terrorism or high probability terrorism.

    Lots of good places to go to, can easily eliminate a lot of 'unsafe' chocies that would have in the past been great choices.

    Remember, being on a yacht doesnt insulate u from onland problems.

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