
If you park off the shoulder after a breakdown, ________.?

by  |  earlier

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a-be mindful of tall dry grass

b-open your trunk

c-face your vehicle into oncoming traffic

d-turn your high beams on




  1. B..........................

  2. None of the above.

    e. Raise the hood, turn on emergency flashers

  3. Be sure to pull as far off the road as possible.  Open the hood of the car.  If you have one handy, tie a white cloth to the antenna to signal for help and increase visibility.  If there is power to the battery, turn on your hazards.  

    Of the options you gave, A seems like the only helpful option.  One must be ever watchful for fire ant mounds, coiled snakes, and badgers.  After a breakdown, always watch for badgers.

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