
If you pass a speed trap is it right/wrong to warn oncoming motorists its there ?

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If you pass a speed trap is it right/wrong to warn oncoming motorists its there ?




  1. It is illegal but it is also morally wrong in my opinion.  If someone is speeding they deserve to be caught.

  2. By all means do it. It has saved me a ticket or two and I have returned the favor. Also if you use the high beam switch it will flash your headlights without activating the tail lights in most cars.  

  3. What is wrong with encouraging people to slow down and drive the speed limit?

  4. OF COURSE...

  5. How would you warn them?  By flashing your bright lights?  By honking your horn.  Both of these activites are against the law.

  6. The way I feel about this is: a speed trap uses the excuse that it makes the road safer but I disagree, Speed traps are usually set up on strait runs of road where speeds faster than the posted speed limit are most likely to occur.  Logic dictates that the reason for the faster speeds is that it's a safe speed in this location.  The speed traps are set up in this area in order fill the pockets of the local jurisdiction, not to make the roads safer.  I think its your moral duty to warn other drivers.  However, when I go thru a traffic check, I never warn other drivers.  In this case their not just looking to make money for town, they are looking for persons breaking the law, drunk drivers, drivers with suspended licenses etc. These need to be taken off the road.

  7. how would you feel if no one warned you and you were nicked ???

    exactly its your duty as a motorist to warn fellow motorists  

  8. It is definately the right thing to do - I always would do it, and am greatful others do it too. So keep up the good work, or if you dont currently do it, you should start.


  9. It is wrong and illegal to do this because you could be warning an oncoming drunk driver to slow down and not get caught.

  10. Yes you can be horribly done by plod for this.But ,we all do it ,except for him who was caught and wants others to join him.

  11. In UK it is technically illegal as you are conspiring with the other motorist to avoid him getting caught. In the early days of the Automobile Association, when they had bike patrols, they were supposed to salute badge carrying AA drivers. If they didn't salute you were supposed to stop an ask them why. This was not considered as warning the drivers as they didn't actually do anything. This was started after a few patrols were prosecuted for actively warning members

  12. I always like it when someone flashes their lights to warn me but I don't always warn other drivers. The way I see it is there are some drivers that deserve to get caught. If they have to pay out a lot of money on a speeding ticket maybe they will think twice about speeding again.

  13. I say it's totally right. In California though, it's illegal. Of course, why warn people to slow down right? Better to make them pay and suffer. Government against, I men by the People, for the People. Hardly.  

  14. I don't know weather to say if it is right or wrong but it is illegal. and if an officer sees you doing it you can get a ticket for it. i forget what the actual charge is called.  

  15. I'm not sure about right or wrong but its distracting!  I once got pulled over by police because when I hit the 30 limit I was going too fast.  The reason I was still going to fast was the person coming towards me started waving and gesticulating frantically at me to warn me and I had no idea what he wanted so started freaking out that there was something wrong with my car!!!  Luckily the officer was generous when he found out what had happened and why I hadn't slowed as quickly as I should have but did say that the previous driver was in the wrong to scare me so!

  16. i always flash my lights to warn others, unless it's a total lunatic going way over the limit. we all deserve a little break.

  17. Do it it is us against them as far as I am concerned

  18. Yes i always warn other drivers. In my opinion these speed traps are the modern day equivalent of d**k Turpin. If you call the police now to sort out a real crime, they are all too busy giving grief to the motorist.  

    I always respected the police when I was young, and thought we had the finest police force in the world but not now. They are there as a highly paid unofficial tax/fine collector, and if you do have a problem you sort it out your self.  

  19. I always warn people about speed traps. After all, they are nothing more than revenue raisers. If you believe they are lowering the road toll, then you are uninformed and a sucker for the governments propaganda.

  20. Its wrong to warn them, if they are speeding then they Deserve a ticket, end-of!!

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