
If you people don't vote democrat this election, I will spend at least 4 more yrs in agony...?

by  |  earlier

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I have been denied coverage based upon my "preexisting conditions" one in particular "not a covered expense." If someone in the USA in power doesn't force insurance companies to treat all injuries and ailments equally, only certain individuals will be able to live healthy lives.

I need surgery, as my jaw is broken. I need serious help with chronic pain syndrome due to muliple injuries. I work in agony full time, I pay my taxes, & yet, I have to be in pain everyday. My son has to watch his mom cry, vomit & shake daily. My son also has his own health problems, how do you think this affects him? WIll you help by voting 4 EQUAL HEALTHCARE FOR ALL? Republicans are in bed with big business. Dems are imperfect, but as close as we have. Please help before it is too late for my child to have any happy memories of his childhood!! Vote blue, and keep pressure on Washington!! Thanks for listening.




  1. Jesus would vote for Ron Paul!

  2. Yeah sounds like a great idea,lets destroy the country so that You can get what you need. Fine idea,Not!!

    If someone genuinly cannot afford health coverage,there are still ways to get health care,this much I know for a fact.


  3. Hey, I didn't need to hear your story to know that people out there, for i know that there are many out there just like you who have to deal with these things everyday. But I'm just here to give you some hope, and let you know that I and many others will be voting democrat this year on Nov 2 and hopefully you can get the help that you both need and want.

  4. "To the KNOW IT ALL REPULICANS who are enjoying adding their 2 cents: I am on welfare even though I work full time. I don't spend my money on "other things" and I don't have health insurance other than what I get through the government, which is minimal."

    So, you are on welfare, and have government-assisted medical insurance?

    Yet, you can not get the operation and medical services you need?

    But, you are asking us to vote for Democrats so everyone can go on government-assisted medical insurance so that nobody else has to go through what you are going through?

    Um . . . am I missing something here, or does your situation present the perfect example as to why we should not vote Democrat and cause everyone to potentially be in your situation?

    I feel for you, but perhaps you should seek out a good physician who may be able to direct you to a charity organization that helps individuals such as yourself.

    It would leave a much better taste in the mouths of others reading your story, than demanding that "they" all pay for even more of your government-run healthcare than they already do, (which apparently does not work for you).

    You will probably get the help you need much more quickly than waiting for Hillary and Barak.

  5. You have a personal problem, maybe you should have bought better health insurance instead of Cable, Internet, going out etc... How much money have you wasted over the years that could have replaced the p**s poor coverage you have with a better policy? But; I get it, it's easier to blame everyone else as opposed to putting the blame on yourself!

  6. What Would Jesus Do indeed.

    As a country we spend more per person on health care than any other, yet people like you are still left suffering in this country while in many other places around the world that spend less you would receive adequate care. What an injustice, plain and simple.

  7. O please as if it isnt torture  having to see the democrats debate everytime you look at the tv I didnt see obama get a oscar either

  8. I've gone through the pre-existing condition thing with insurance companies. I don't like it but it's the companies policies and government doesn't need to be mixed up in private business. Government doesn't need to control my health care. I have insurance and am not completely happy with it ... at least I have it. I don't want to the government telling ME what to do. Their jobs are to listen to US. For anyone interested in socialized medicine ask those who use it already. Oh yeah, watch taxes go way up!! Keep it up and government will control everything aspect of your lives. Slowly but surely they're taking our freedoms away!!

  9. I'm curious as to why you post a question and then tell people not to respond because they're wasting your time. I feel for you, I really do, but having a democrat in office isn't going to change your situation, at all. Guaranteed. It doesn't matter who gets into office, THEY aren't going to make your healthcare any better, so if you're waiting for a democrat to get into office to make all your problems go away, you're going to have a long painful wait ahead of you.

  10. Actually, the president has very little impact over those kinds of things. You need to start looking at the leader of your state, not the leader of the country. Nice story and all, and sorry for your mishaps, but the president has nothing to do with it. If I vote democrat I'll spend the next four years in poverty. I'll pass, Im voting republican.

    Edit - I dont watch fox news, and I'd have to say that igorance is thinking that ALL your problems are going to vanish if a democrat takes over office. You're going to be in EXACTLY the same boat you're in now, only you'll be paying higher taxes so you wont even be able to afford the 'luxuries' you have now. People are going to vote how they want to vote. No amount of sad stories is going to change that.

  11. You are assuming the democrats can deliver on what they say.  Hillary wasn't successful last time and democrats have been fighting this fight since Edward M."Teddy" Kennedy wrote "In Critcal Condition" back in 1972.  They fail at this everytime they try to do something about Healthcare.  They are incompetent, look at the current Congress it has an approval rating worse than George W's rating.

    You would be better off voting for Ralph Nader or John Edwards.  These two lawyers have been challenging big insurance and big healthcare for many years.  As you knwo Teddy is a /senator for life but John got rich as a personal injury lawyer.

    Maybe you should contact John Edwards and have him help you with your problem.

    While I appreciate your pain (notice I didn't say "I feel your pain!) the emotional plea will not get me to vote for Hillary or Barak.

  12. And you're delusional enough to think that a presidential vote would immediately reverse anything?

    Sounds like the Republicans are keeping you on enough meds to suffice...

    Just for ranting purposes...Why do people think the President can control all? Have we not heard of Congress? They're all in favor of big business because big business makes the MONEY and it's all about the green.

    No one cares about how you, or anyone else in this country feels...They'll all do what they can to make and/or save money.

    If you want socialized health care move to Canada. It won't happen here in time to save your son.

  13. Let me get this straight.  So you believe the answer to all of your problems is to vote Democratic ?

    Socialism:  "When Governments rob Peter to pay Paul they can always count on the support of Paul"

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