
If you pick a flower and plant it in the ground or a pot will it grow more flowers?

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If you pick a flower and plant it in the ground or a pot will it grow more flowers?




  1. I don't think so, without roots there is no way for the plant to feed.

  2. Probably not.

    Flowers aren't grown from other flowers, usually--they grow from the seeds the flowers produce, (and only ripe ones), from root cuttings taken from the parent plant, or root stock--the entire root mass dug up from the ground.   It depends on what type of flower you want to grow.

  3. You need it to root first.  It's a gamble, but the easiest way to do this is to place the flower or cutting in a cup of water, somewhere where it'll get light and not be disturbed--a windowsill is usually good.  

    Only some plants will grow roots this way, and the conditions have to be very good--most flowers, for instance, will die long before they can root.  Vines, however, are very good at rooting.

  4. It would have to have roots in order to grow more flowers. Depending on the flower or plant, some can be rooted from a stem, or cutting. You can place some plants in water, and they will root. Some would need special rooting powder to root. It depends. :)

  5. No.

  6. If the flower is an annual, (i.e. sweet peas)  you will have to start with seed, or starts from the nursery.

    If the plant is a perennial, (i.e. geraniums) you can break off enough branch to include several leaf junctions with the stalk.

    Strip the leaves off the bottom 4 inches of stalk, moisten and dip that end in Rootone (tm) (found at your nursery) and put it in a pot of Miracle-Gro (tm) soil.  Keep on a patio or someplace where you can water often and monitor the start, and you will probably end up with a nice plant.

    Good luck!  I do this with branches of my house plants that my cats have chomped on.

  7. no, you would have to dig up the roots and transplant it to your location of choice.

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