
If you pick your wedge as an athelte as an athelte is there a deduction??

by  |  earlier

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i have a bet that said if gymnasts "fix" thier attire after a routine that they woudl be counted for it...




  1. It might get deducted from their score but there would be no tax consequence.

  2. I know that in professional ballet we'd be fined if we had any type of a costume malfunction....headpieces coming off, ribbons coming untucked, etc...but I am not sure about an 'athlete' as it depends on the sport and occasion....

    If it's so bad that an entire side of your rear is showing, please relieve US from having to see half your backside....but if things are just not where they should be, I bet that NO ONE can tell, even those standing next to you, so just fix the problem when you're most likely not the focus of attention.  I know if feels weird, but it's not as noticeable as you fixing it...Unless you're a gymnast and we can obviously see where things are and shouldn't be, but still, they don't fix their leos, it's all part of 'occupational hazards'' as we call it.

  3. your question makes no sense

  4. As you posted your question in this cdn tax forum, I can assure that there is absolutely no "deduction" per the Canadian tax act and regulations. ;-)

  5. yeah they can actually. my friend is a gymnast and she told me that could happen if the judges see it.

  6. Wtf!?

    What would ever cause this to come up in a conversation! Lol..

    uh im pretty sure if they wanna scratch there a$$ after a routine, they can, as long as no one sees :P

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