
If you place a bid on ebay and someone bids higher than you do you still need to pay the price you bidded on?

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If you place a bid on ebay and someone bids higher than you do you still need to pay the price you bidded on?




  1. no of course not!

  2. no, if someone bids higher then you that means they get the item if their bid remains the high bid through out the auction. Now occasionally when I seller has more then 1 item or the winner is unable to complete the transaction for whatever reason. The Seller may send you a second chance offer and offer it to you at the highest price you bid. This however is an option. You do not have to except a second chance offer. However I dont know anyone who wouldn't!

  3. no, only the highest bidder has to pay

  4. no. you only pay when you win.

  5. No, you only have to pay if you are the winning bidder when the auction ends.

  6. NO. Only the highest bidder pays, because they are the only one that wins the item.

  7. no if somone outbids you u dont have to pay the price of what u tryed bidding on.

    If it did work that way i wouldnt come on ebay lol.

  8. you are out of the bidding when someone overbids you.

  9. No.  They win the item if they outbid you.

  10. No. The highest bidder at the end of the auction wins the item and is the only one who pays.

  11. no, because you have no longer won that item. the higher bidder has. you need to put a higher bid on that item to be able to win it, and then you will have to pay that amount.

    good luck on your item!

    :) x*x

  12. No, only the highest bidder wins, pays and gets the item.

  13. no this means that your offer is done unless the seller has a agreed to sell u the offer

  14. nope the other person who bids higher pays the final price.

    good luck! =)

  15. no because ebay is like an auction

  16. ofcourse not

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