
If you play or played football, what is the worst thing your coach has made you do at practice? ?

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the worst thing your coach has made you do




  1. We lost a game my freshman year, and that following monday we did nothing but push the 6 man sled in the rain for for hours and then ran gassers.  They didn't say a word to us, just kept blowing the whislte.  We went undefeated for the rest of the season.

  2. For me it was Shark Attacks (our team name was the sharks). They were suicides on the football field with a summersault every ten yards while footballs were being thrown at you. if you didn't catch the ball you had to keep going until you caught 10 in a row (the last part was for receivers only and it was usually used as punishment for dropping balls).  

  3. In the school I was at, their were only 3 other white kids on the team at Forest Oak Middle school in Fort Worth Texas in 1980. Our coaches were black too. We did a bullpen, circle. The white kids were beat. We were placed systematically in the middle as numbered players were called to run to lay licks in the middle. The numbers were called in rapid fire succession on the white kids. They were told to hit with fists under the rib cage. It works. Hard to breath until it opens up.

    Revision: I just read the other answers above. Sounds like my school wasn't the only one. We just called it the bullpen.

  4. Slaughter House

    The entire team lines up 5 yards apart in a straight line from smallest to biggest. The one person has to try to run threw the entire team with the ball. And if you don't make it past one person you have to go back two spots and go until you make it all 100 yards. The further you go the harder it is because your speed will go down and it is harder to get by those big guys near the end and then they lay some big hits on you. And if you fumble you had to do 50 yard suicide bear crawls.

  5. i don't play football but i play basket ball and the worst thing our coach ever made us do was strides and slides!! they really hurt when you do them on a turf feild

  6. One time, after a loss, we did something called the "Bullring".

    If you're not familiar with it:

    You make a circle of all the players, and each player is numbered. Then, one unlucky soul gets placed in the middle of the circle. The coach would then call out random numbers, and whoever's number was called, would have to rush in and hit the guy in the middle. Most of the time, the guy in the middle would be taken out from behind or from the side.

    It was bad, one guy sprained his wrist, I got a contusion near my knee, it banged up a lot of people. I never got in the middle, but I observed from brutal hits.

  7. samething you make a circle and a guy in the middle  

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